College Students & Mental Health

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

You arrive at college with the intellectual capability to thrive and succeed academically.

Like the majority of college students I see in my practice, you are extremely bright and motivated. You know how to successfully study, take tests, and write papers. However, college courses present new academic pressures and expectations. At the same time, you are also expected to know how navigate the “real world”, keep track of due dates, develop new friendships, all while maintaining balance and perspective.

You are intelligent and superior in your academics. (If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have been accepted into your college). But, you also find yourself in a brand-new environment with new people, professors, geography, and adult responsibilities like making appointments, finding a new doctor or therapist, understanding insurance information, managing finances, and other “life stuff”.

It can feel like A LOT to manage.

Whether it’s being away from home for the first time, adjusting to the demands of living on your own, or new social pressures, it’s a time of major transition. You have one foot in the door and one foot out of home. You are legally an adult, but you are still financially and situationally dependent on your parent(s). Yet, you are away from the familiarity of home, friends, family, and your everyday routine.

How we can help you.

The majority of my 15-year career as a therapist has been dedicated to working with college students. From 2008-2016, I was on clinical staff at UCLA STUDENT Behavioral Health Services where I worked with students diagnosed with serious mood, personality, and eating disorders. I get the unique challenges you are facing. I have helped hundreds of college students heal during this journey of life transition.

My approach is interactive, personal, and transparent. I understand that life happens outside of a 50-minute therapy session, and there will be times when you have questions or need support. That’s why I offer exclusive concierge care where you will have access to email, call, or text with me in between sessions.


Therapy for Parents


What is Mentalization Therapy?