How is Therapy for Athletes Different?

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Sports Psychology seeks to understand the impact that psychological factors have on physical performance, and the emotional influence that sports have on the athlete and family. When added to a training program, Sports Psychology can help athletes prevent problems and overcome difficulties when they occur.

In this way, Psychologists specializing in this field assist athletes to achieve peak performance goals while maintaining their competitive edge. This mind body approach helps performers, athletes, and their families with their overall emotional health and development.

Therapists specializing in athletes and performers also help coaches and parents provide better support.

In spite of our tireless efforts, our children present challenges to us that we cannot answer, do not know how to answer, or leave us completely speechless.

Our relationship with them begins to suffer. They stop talking to us or they start screaming at us. We suddenly find ourselves feeling completely helpless without the slightest clue of what to do. As a result, we may try to “fix” the problem by doing what we know how to do.

With the best intentions, we talk more, yell more, control more, ignore more, hope more, pray more, or try to understand more. Yet, nothing seems to change except the level of worry, frustration, and concern.

Sometimes there is an obvious problem. Your child may cry all the time at home or away from home, may have lost or gained a significant amount of weight (without medical reason), may be consistently defiant at home or school. Sometimes the problem is not so obvious, but something just feels “off”, or you notice your child is “just acting different”. This can happen at ANY age.

Whether your child is in elementary school, middle school, high school, or is a young adult, I offer parenting consultations within a warm, supportive, and non-judgmental environment. Our goal will be to identify the core problem, create a plan of action, and repair your parent-child relationship. My holistic approach blends western psychological theories of child development and eastern philosophy of conscious parenting and awareness.


Therapy for Parents